I really enjoy the start of a new year. That new year energy provides a marker for me to ponder over the 365 (or, 366!) days ahead and offers an opportunity to consider what rhythms and systems I'd love to continue, start or rethink to support the goals I would like to achieve.
My family and I enjoyed a camping trip near Citrusdal over new years with some friends with no signal, and afterwards we enjoyed a few days by the sea at my folks' holiday home up the West Coast. It was a great time for my brain to have the space to wonder and ponder ideas for Carlita Hearts. Casting a vision, as some would say, considering what happened in the past year and what I'm excited to focus on in the upcoming year.
Over the last few years I've thought about Carlita Hearts tasks, rhythms and systems in 3 different buckets. They are not set in stone categories, just helpful groups of activities for me to think about different tasks so that I can give each area the attention when needed:
- Making Art
- Sharing Art
- Refining Art
Making Art
This usually covers creating art, like painting, being curious to explore new themes and improving skills so I can steward my gifts well - and to be honest, this is the lifeblood behind Carlita Hearts. When there's no art, there's no business really.
Here I would like to paint regularly in order to continue improving my skills and be led by what I am curious to paint. These ideas and paintings may lead to new offerings for the shop but I would also like to enjoy the rhythm of creating, how to harness what I'm inspired by and rest from creating. Setting a task like "10 minutes of painting a day" is helpful because the constraint of the timeframe makes it achievable but I haven't attached an adjective to it - like "10 minutes of painting something good a day". If I'm having a day where I'm not feeling it, then great, I've painted for 10 minutes and stopped. But if I really enjoy what's happening on the page, then great, I can paint for longer than 10 minutes. So giving myself the space to create is important, and to do it as the first task of my day.
Sharing Art
If you're creating art for fun, then these sharing and refining art sections may not be applicable, but you can read on if you're curious. Depending on what you're wanting to get out of your art, this is an optional category. Sharing art can be a way to keep yourself accountable if you want to create art consistently by starting an art account on Instagram, for example.
If you run a creative business, this is more the marketing section and sharing posts / artwork to connect with your ideal audience.
I don't want to overcomplicate this so plotting what I'd like the Carlita Hearts shop to offer and when I want to offer it on the calendar will help give some focus to encourage people to know what Carlita Hearts offers and how to shop. Part of this will also be getting clearer on my messaging as I share so that sharing my art and products will connect with the right people.
Refining Art
This is where you can look at what's happened and how to improve. It could be related to creating art and marketing efforts but I usually slot them in the categories above. Tasks I like to consider here are finance and admin tasks, packaging supplies and inventory management, the mix of products offered, understanding customers, their needs and experience, interacting with service providers (wholesalers, printers, market organisers, potential outlets, etc), perhaps improving photography and rest (so important!). Basically anything that helps elevate and make a creative business better than it was before, and provide a space to think about these things as opposed to running on autopilot. Small steps are key here because you can get very overwhelmed when thinking about every little thing to improve.
For me, I want to focus on the right things as you can go down a rabbit hole of what to improve upon so I want to understand my financial numbers a bit better and create more opportunities where Carlita Hearts products are available. Setting regular dates to review and refine sales that have happened, and also researching various gift shops and stores to reach out to is on my list to prayerfully grow Carlita Hearts.
At the end of the day, I would like to find joy in the creative work I do and know that it is a blessing from the Lord to extend this joy to others who enjoy what Carlita Hearts has to offer.
Dear Lord,
You are the Creator God and to witness your creation is inspiring of the magnificent God you are.
You have blessed people, and me, with the gift of creativity - how incredible!
As the unknown year ahead unfolds, may you help me create in a way that honours you and brings joy to others. Help me to steward my gifts well and show others your light.
Grant me the wisdom to set worthy goals, the strength to face whatever hardships may come my way, the patience to persevere and humility to lean on you always, joyfully.
Thank you for Jesus and your Spirit who is able to help each day.
May your name be glorified,