I really enjoy the start of a new year. That new year energy provides a marker for me to ponder over the 365 (or, 366!) days ahead and offers an opportunity to consider what rhythms and systems I'd love to continue, start or rethink to support the goals to I would like to achieve, as well as a prayer for this year.
I wanted to jot down my thoughts and reflections on the 2024 year that was for Carlita Hearts because a) I haven't done one before, and b) there was a big shift in how I ran Carlita Hearts. To put some context to this, my husband and I prayerfully decided towards the end of 2023 that I would carve a way to work with the ability to be available in the afternoons after school for our two children. There were two options available, either + continue working as a chartered accountant but on a more half day basis, OR + take a faith-filled leap and pivot from being an accountant to being an artist and building a creative business It...
The days can pass so quickly into weeks and months, and if we don’t catch ourselves to carve out a plan on how to spend our days well, we’ll miss the opportunity to have time to do the things we love and get stuck in the neverending rush rut. So, use the tips above to spend 10 minutes to give your day purpose towards planning small steps towards a joyful life.
Be encouraged with these 5 benefits that starting or perhaps, re-visiting a long-lost, painting practice doesn't mean to create museum-worthy art every time you sit down to paint. It's about choosing to find the joy in the process, to unplug and grow in skills that you thought you weren't capable of for an approachable amount of time.
If you're keen to exercise your artistic abilities for Father's Day, then perhaps you'd like to try making him a greeting card? Greeting cards are a fun way to get creative and then gift your handiwork to a loved one.