Be encouraged with these 5 benefits that starting or perhaps, re-visiting a long-lost, painting practice doesn't mean to create museum-worthy art every time you sit down to paint. It's about choosing to find the joy in the process, to unplug and grow in skills that you thought you weren't capable of for an approachable amount of time.
If you're keen to exercise your artistic abilities for Father's Day, then perhaps you'd like to try making him a greeting card? Greeting cards are a fun way to get creative and then gift your handiwork to a loved one.
Whether it's a printed calendar or a scribbled down template, here are some ways you can make your paper planning tool of choice feel simple and dare I say a joy to use to (even when you feel overwhelmed after not using it for a while)
When I first started out with watercolour painting, I bought one of those Staedtler kiddies cake pan sets on a whim wandering down the grocery store’s stationery aisle. It was great to play around when painting my Sunday School visuals (how I really got started) and then making artwork as gifts for friends and family. Since then, I have moved on from that beloved set. I use a Daler-Rowney Aquafine 10-colour watercolour set which has lasted a good few years, and while I’ll sometimes try other watercolour brands, I like to keep my supplies relatively simple.You may be interested in starting a new creative hobby but the idea of heading to the art store can feel intimidating from the sheer...
When I started Carlita Hearts in November 2019, I painted at night when my children slept (mostly!) and during the day when they napped. Those quiet moments were so much fun despite them being limited in their timeframe.